Mil-Sted Rebrands

As we, the Mil-Sted team, celebrate our 40th anniversary, we invite you to join in on our rebranding launch.

Rediscover how we can Source, Connect and Build your product knowledge while streamlining the just-in-time delivery process to your facility or job site. We encourage you to visit the product-centric section of our people-focused website at Your feedback is important to the ongoing improvement of our service to you, our valued customers.

At Mil-Sted; we remain committed to sharing knowledge on the latest innovative products and consistently building relationships with all of our customers and stakeholders. We are synchronizing our service-first, source-assured brand promise of “One Source for Clear Solutions”.

Assess the Right Size and Right Fit for your data and telecom products, then contact Team Mil-Sted at 604 273 2877 or

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